
Mayhem Unleashed: Discover our Next Generation Security Testing Solution

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Wednesday, June 21st, 2023
10:00 AM PT / 1:00 PM ET

Are you ready to revolutionize your DevSecOps workflows? Look no further!

We are thrilled to invite you to an exclusive live demonstration of Mayhem, our flagship product, where we will showcase how it will transform the way you approach application and API testing.

Here's what you can expect:

Experience Mayhem in Action

  • Get ready to witness the magic unfold as we demonstrate how Mayhem automatically generates thousands of intelligent tests to identify defects in your apps and APIs.
  • Say goodbye to manual testing and hello to efficient, comprehensive security testing that saves time and boosts productivity.
  • Gain invaluable insights into how this developer-first solution can seamlessly integrate into your DevSecOps workflows, empowering your team to identify vulnerabilities early and prevent security breaches.
Reserve your spot

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Learn from Industry Experts
Our team of seasoned professionals will guide you through the key features and best practices of Mayhem.
  • Robert Vamosi, Director of Product Marketing
  • Sheldon Warkentin, Head of Developer Experience
  • Vincent Lussenburg, Director of Sales Engineering
  • Lakshmia Ferba, Product Marketing Manager
Q & A
  • Get your burning questions answered by our knowledgeable experts. Share your feedback and shape the future of Mayhem.
  • Take advantage of this opportunity to join the DevSecOps revolution with Mayhem. Reserve your spot today!
  • If you're serious about enhancing your application security and driving innovation within your development team, this webinar is a must-attend event.

We can't wait to have you join us and experience the power of Mayhem firsthand.

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This month’s host & speakers:

Robert Vamosi is the Director of Product Marketing at Mayhem. He is a CISSP with over a decade of product marketing experience. He also is an award-winning journalist with over a dozen years of security journalism experience, writing for national outlets such as ZDNet, CNET, CBS News, PCWorld, and Forbes. He is the host of the podcast, The Hacker Mind.

Sheldon Warkentin is the Head of Developer Experience at Mayhem. His roles involve cloud deployments, development, automation and software research. With a BSc in Computer Science from the University of Calgary, Sheldon has continuously developed software across various industries for over 20 years.

Vincent Lussenburg is the Sales Engineering Director for Mayhem. He has a rich background in software engineering, cybersecurity, and DevSecOps in two countries (The Netherlands, the United States). Vincent has worked in the gaming, financial, and trustless blockchain industry and likes to look at security from those perspectives - there's nothing quite like dissecting the post-mortem when a hacker drained a liquidity pool. He also enjoys public speaking, both in person and on webinars. Vincent calls California home and is into (trail/long distance) running, hiking, (backcountry) skiing, acting, personal development, and camping.

Lakshmia Ferba is the Product Marketing Manager at Mayhem with over 10 years of experience in the tech industry. She has honed her skills in product marketing, user research, and customer engagement throughout her career. Lakshmia is passionate about leveraging technology to solve complex business problems and has a knack for communicating technical concepts in a simple and concise manner. In her free time, Lakshmia enjoys reading, traveling, shopping, and volunteering in her community.

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"Mayhem allows our engineers to easily get started with fuzz testing and find software flaws without knowing much about fuzzing. The learning curve of new tools can be steep, and Mayhem made it as frictionless as possible for our engineers to start finding bugs and gain more assurance in our software."

Evan Johnson, Head of Product Security at Cloudflare

“Mayhem’s fuzzing tech is unlike any platform I’ve worked with before -- in the best ways possible. Through their native symbolic execution engine in conjunction with their fuzzers, we can feed native binaries that run at our edge and perform behavior analysis at scale."

David Haynes, Security Engineer at Cloudflare

"Integrating Mayhem into our development process was a breeze, only taking a few minutes to configure and deploy. With great documentation and advanced features not normally found in other platforms, such as network target fuzzing, Mayhem allowed us to easily expand automate testing that would have taken significantly more effort with other solutions"

Alessandro Ghedini, Systems Engineer

Named to

Winner of

Showcased at

Speakers Section

David Brumley
CEO and Co-founder
David co-founded ForAllSecure to automatically check and protect the world's software. ForAllSecure's products are based upon over 10 years of his research in program analysis.
Alex Rebert
Co-founder and Head of Innovation
Alex is a computer security researcher, specializing in automated program analysis and bug finding.
Thanassis Avgerinos
Co-founder and VP of Engineering
Thanassis is an expert in program analysis, testing, and software security with over a decade of operational and academic experience.
Jeff Whalen
VP of Product
Jeff brings more than a dozen years of product experience to ForAllSecure, where he serves as the Vice President of Product Management.
Jonathan Doe
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Jonathan Doe
Title Here
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